Installation guide to KingswaySoft

This is a quick ‘n dirty installation guide – with download links – for KingswaySoft’s CRM toolkit.

Download list for all the required software:

1: Windows updates
This step is a given. Make sure your windows is up-to-date with windows updates. Keeping your windows updates current is always a good idea.

2: Install Visual Studio
The KingswaySoft software is a toolkit for Visual Studio, so you do ofcause need Visual Studio. You do NOT need a paid version of Visual studio (but it is required, if you intend to use it for commercial use). For development you can make do with the Community edition of Visual Studio, which you can find on my download list at the top of this page.
*EDIT*: Visual Studio has made some changes to their structure, so you need to create an account on their website, before you can get access to the community edition. The download links will lead you to the account page.

3: dotNET framework
Before you can install the rest of the software, you are required to have a current version of .NET framework installed. This can be found on my download list as well.

4: Install SQL Server Data Tools: Business Intelligence
After you have installed Visual Studio and the .NET framework, you are required to install the SSDTBI, as this piece of extra software installs the SQL Server Integration Services into visual studio.
** Update 8th may 2019 **
SSDT Is now part of the Visual Studio installer from version 2019+

5: Install KingswaySoft toolkit(s)
You are now ready to install the toolkits. You can install as many as you like, and they are free to install, when they are used for development. As soon as you need to schedule the jobs you create, you have to buy a server license from their website, and install it on the SQL server. You can find the CRM toolkit and all the others on the download list above.

The guide is not limited to the CRM toolkit only – you can install all the toolkits from KingswaySoft when you have done the above steps. Personally, I am using the Dynamics365 toolkit and the Productivity Pack toolkit, as this gives me many more cool features in Visual Studio, that I can play with.